August 19, 2010

August 18th Updates & Song in my Head

Just a quick update. I just finished talking on my mom's new radio show on BlogTalk Radio. Her first topic was about the young mother Shaquan Duley, who recently killed her children by drowning them in her car in South Carolina. It's a shame that it happened, but in the show she basically talks more about the pain someone feels that pushed them to such extreme measures, as oppose to be a simply evil person. So! I am working as her producer, and I think a lot of people will like them show and enjoy it. In fact I feel very much inspired to do my own show. But mine would probably just be me ranting for a few minutes about different topics. Probably a discussion or something. Not surrre. But it was inspiring nonetheless. I'm of course now working on a new logo and artwork for her show. I want to make it somewhat personal to her. We'll see what comes to my minndd. I'm still working on new drawings and new commission pieces. As well as working on illustrations that could be used at for any of the artists there. I like to make contributions where I can =P

That's it for now! ♥ Paz e Amor meus amigos! ♥

The song in my head for tonight! A beautiful song by Jem. She is such a great artist, a true artist. She seems so at peace with herself and knows who she is. I truly hope she stays that way even if it means staying only halfway mainstream. It inspires me, I think I'll do a drawing her very soon.

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