July 19, 2010

Up Late Jul. 19th

I'm up wayyy too late this morning. I wanted to get in some notes about how I'm feeling right now. I'm working on several projects right now, and am having fun with them each. I have always found it a struggle to work on all of these things by myself, but I guess it's what I gotta do for now. But to be honest I really wouldn't have it any other way, because I enjoy my work, and I wouldn't have anyone else do them but me. I'm still working on getting my website. I'll have it soon, but first I'll have to get my other ish together before I'm ready to do that. I have many drawings to finish, and haven't been here at my blog for a hot minute (since April), so I feel like I should get back on here. I was a little out of inspiration in May and June for drawing or any working really, so I took a hiatus. But my muse is back (i think). I can't stay away from it too long anyway though. That's it for now, I guess.

♥ Paz e Amor ♥

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